Frequently Asked Questions

Policies & Procedures FAQs

The University of Arizona policies prohibit retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith report or complaint. The Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy also prohibits retaliation against anyone who is or has participated in the University’s investigation process. If you believe you have been retaliated against, you should immediately contact OIE directly or contact the investigator assigned to your case.

Yes. The University's Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy extends to University-sponsored activities, including sponsored internships, clinics, or other off-campus learning opportunities.

Yes. There are a number of federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA).

Additionally, the University's Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information.

Yes. You can call OIE anonymously to receive information or ask questions. You may also choose to file a report online without disclosing your identity. However, OIE may be limited in its ability to investigate or otherwise respond in the matter.

A student or employee participating in an OIE investigation or conduct process has the right and opportunity to bring an advisor to any/all meetings and hearings.

No. Employees of OIE are prohibited from providing legal advice or from representing or advising students or employees. OIE employees remain neutral throughout any investigative process.

Yes. OIE is a resource available to be utilized all University of Arizona students, employees, and Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs).

All students, employees, and DCCs, regardless of their learning or workplace modality, are responsible for maintaining an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.

OIE generally conducts interviews and holds appointments virtually.

OIE is located on the second floor (suite 203) of the University Services Building (USB)

USB’s physical address is:

888 N. Euclid Ave.
Tucson, AZ, 85721

For questions related to your appointment location or modality please contact the investigator assigned to your case or 520-621-4999

Yes. Per the OIE Procedures for Investigating Complaints and Administrative Reviews, and the Student Disciplinary Procedures the Respondent (person the complaint is against) is provided with notice when a complaint is filed against them/an investigation is conducted.

Reporting FAQs

Yes. Most University employees are responsible for promptly reporting any concern of discrimination related to a student or a subordinate to OIE. Please report any emergency/crisis/crime to UAPD (9-1-1) and any non-emergency to OIE. For more information about responding to reports, please see Reporting.

OIE seeks to maintain and respect the privacy and confidentiality of information obtained during their process to the extent feasible. Disclosure may occur in some circumstances, including for investigation and evidence-gathering purposes and in order to notify individuals of the outcome of an investigation. Other situations where disclosure may occur include, but are not limited to, disclosures permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and required compliance with an obligation imposed on the University by law, or facilitation of other legitimate University processes.

The following options are available to report potential discrimination or discriminatory harassment; sex-based discrimination or harassment; or a potential violation of Title IX:

Often OIE learns of concerns or potential Policy violations through campus partners such as faculty, Housing staff or the Dean of Students Office. When OIE receives a report of concerns for an individual, OIE will outreach to provide support and resources.

Additionally, OIE may reach out to individuals with an invitation to participate in an investigation a witness or to provide additional information. 

We encouraging reporting any concerns to OIE as soon as possible to maximize our ability to respond promptly and effectively.

There is no time limit for making a report under the Interim Procedures for Formal Complainants of Title IX Sexual Harassment, or for student reports related to violation of the Student Code of Conduct, but it may be more difficult to conduct a thorough investigation after an extended period of time.

For other concerns related to the Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, a complaint must be submitted to the Office of Institutional Equity within 180 days of the date of the most recent allegedly discriminatory act. More information can be found at in the OIE Procedures.

Based on the information you share in your report, OIE will provide you with support and resources and will invite you to meet with an investigator. During the meeting with an investigator, you will have an opportunity to share more information and learn about the OIE process. Based on the information you share, an investigator will explain your investigation options.

OIE encourages anyone who has experienced or witnessed incidents of discrimination to report the conduct to OIE as soon as possible. 

A report is information shared with OIE about experiences or observations which may violate the University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy.

After an initial report is made, OIE will determine if the information shared is accepted by OIE as a complaint that proceeds through a defined investigative process.

Students have a right to file a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR “enforces several Federal Civil Rights Laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.”  More information is available at

Employees have a right to file a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. More information is available at

There may be other external agencies with which you can file a complaint – this is not an exclusive list. For example, if you are working on a research project funding by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), you can file a complaint with NASA’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity. More information is available at

For assistance in determining other agencies with which you can file a complaint, you can contact OIE. 

University Resources & Additional Policies FAQs

It is against University Policy, and considered a conflict of interest, for an employee (including a Graduate Assistant) to be involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone they teach, supervise, or evaluate. If an employee anticipates such a relationship, they must disclose the potential conflict of interest to their supervisor and work with the supervisor to create a plan to eliminate the potential conflict of interest. For more information see the University’s Policy for Management of Personal Conflicts of Interest.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) works to ensure students, staff, and faculty are aware of and have access to disability-related reasonable accommodations. For more information or to request an accommodation, please contact the DRC at 520-621-3268.

If you wish to request a disability accommodation in order to facilitate meeting with OIE (for example, ASL interpreting or assistance with building access) please contact OIE at 520-621-9449 or

To request your personnel file (employee record) you can submit a written request via email to For additional information visit Employee Records.

For information related to your student educational record visit the Office of Registrar’s Student Information page.

Disciplinary records stay on file with the Dean of Students Office for 5 years, or until graduation, with the exception of suspension and expulsion, which are permanently kept on file. Requests or questions related to your disciplinary record can be sent to

A religious accommodation is typically a change in a work or class schedule or environment, or in the way tasks are customarily done, made to enable an employee or student to participate in their religious practice or belief without causing undue hardship to University operations.

Employees and students should make religious accommodation requests directly to their supervisors and/or instructors as soon as the need for accommodation is known and sufficiently in advance of any date accommodation is required.  See the University's Religious Accommodation Policy for more information.

The University of Arizona publishes information for victims on the Clery webpage and the& UAPD webpage. Additional information is available at the Arizona Attorney General’s Victim Services webpage.

Training & Education FAQs

All faculty, staff, student employees, and designated campus colleagues (DCCs) are expected to take the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training found in the EDGE Learning platform within the first 30 days of hire/affiliation and every two years thereafter.

Learners can access the trainings from their Learner’s page in EDGE Learning. Complete step-by-step instructions for accessing and enrolling in training are available on the EDGE Learning course page. Learners need to use their NetID and University email addresses. A full extension of the email address is necessary. If they need assistance with their NetID, they may contact the UITS 24/7 support center by dialing (520) 626-TECH (8324).

After the Title IX Training activity has been launched, you will be guided through the training, which is divided into different parts. Each part consists of either a video or brief informational activity. After each video or activity, you must click the "continue button" at the bottom of your screen (depending on the size of your computer/device you may have to scroll down slightly) to advance to the next step in the training. 

In addition to the "Title IX Training" activity tile, you will find 5 additional activities which are supplemental to the Training, and provide additional information and resources that you may find helpful. 

You will know you have reached the end of the training when you see text stating "You have finished the course. You may click the button to the right to exit." Once you click the button you will receive an email from EDGE Learning which notifies you that the training is complete. 

Learners will receive a renewal notification from EDGE Learning when it is time to complete the training again.

The Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training must be completed within 30 days of hire/affiliation. You can access the training in EDGE Learning after your start date.

You can pause the training at any point. The course automatically saves your progress, and you can resume your session at a later time.

You can view your completed training status and certificate from the Completed Learning tab in your EDGE Learner profile.

Supervisors have access to the training status of their direct reports in EDGE Learning.

EDGE Learning makes it easy to manage and view training status for your direct reports. You can learn more about managing employee training status by visiting EDGE Learning.

Please contact the EDGE Learning Team for questions or assistance with EDGE trainings. If you need help with your NetID, please call the UITS 24/7 support center at (520) 626-TECH (8324).

Please contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at or (520) 621-9449.

Title IX FAQs

Yes, students and employees may contact the Office of Institutional Equity to discuss supportive measures. More information can be found in the Interim Procedures for Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment (for incidents occurring on or after August 14, 2020).

No. There are no time limits on reporting acts of sex-based discrimination, violence or assault. You can report an incident of sexual violence or misconduct to the University and/or police at any time, regardless of when it occurred. Keep in mind that the sooner you file a report, the more likely it is that University and/or police will be able to identify and speak to witnesses, and be able to conduct a more complete investigation.

Yes. Confidential resources include Counseling and Psych Services (CAPS), Survivor Advocacy, and Office of the Ombuds

There are multiple ways you can submit a report to OIE: 

  • An online report is preferred; however, you may also
  • Contact OIE via phone at 520-621-9449
  • Contact OIE via email at

You may contact OIE whether or not you wish to file a report with the police, participate in an investigation with OIE, or if you are undecided. The University’s first priority is to make sure you are safe and that your immediate needs are taken care of. OIE will work to connect you with resources and supportive measures regardless of your desire to participate in any investigative or accountability process. OIE also encourages reports from those who have witnessed or are aware of acts of sex-based discrimination, violence, or assault by a student, staff or faculty member. 

Most University employees are required to report to OIE when they are made aware of potentially discriminatory conduct in accordance with the University's Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy

Individuals are encouraged to report incidents which occur off-campus. The University can investigate if the incident has sufficient ties to the University (if it occurs at a University event, if it involves an Arizona student, faculty or staff member, etc.).

If there are insufficient ties to the University to allow for an investigation, individuals are still encouraged to report so they can be provided with assistance and support.

Individuals are also encouraged to report any potential crime to law enforcement. 

The rights of students and employees who are alleged to have committed sexual discrimination, harassment or misconduct are protected as outlined in the Interim Procedures for Formal Complainants of Title IX Sexual Harassment (for incidents occurring on or after August 14, 2020), the OIE Procedures, and the Student Disciplinary Procedures.

For additional information and assistance, individuals with specific questions about the process or related concerns may contact OIE, the Dean of Students Office, or the Title IX Coordinator.

The well-being of all University of Arizona students is of primary concern. The University’s practice is to not pursue Student Code of Conduct charges for alcohol violations that are self-disclosed during the course of reporting, or while serving as a witness in an investigation related to, potential sexual misconduct.  No student should be dissuaded from reporting, or providing information related to, sexual misconduct concerns for fear of disciplinary action related to alcohol consumption.  For more information, please review the University of Arizona’s  Good Samaritan Protocol.

The University of Arizona defines sexual violence under the ABOR Student Code of Conduct as Sexual Misconduct:

Sexual violence and other non-consensual sexual contact – actual or attempted physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person by force and without consent or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to circumstances including, but not limited to: 1) use of drugs or alcohol, 2) intellectual or other disability, or 3) age.

Sexual Misconduct also includes: 

  • Sexual harassment – unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or
  • Other sexual misconduct including, but not limited to: indecent exposure, sexual exploitation or voyeurism, or non-consensual photographing or audio-recording or video recording of another in a state of full or partial undress or while engaged in sexual activity, or publishing or disseminating such materials. 

If you believe you have been sexually assaulted, immediately go somewhere safe if you believe you require medical attention and/or to report the crime dial 9-1-1 and tell the dispatcher that immediate medical attention is required.


The University of Arizona Police Department investigates all allegations of sexual assault reported to the Department. If the assault occurred outside the jurisdictional responsibility of UAPD, the Department will assist the victim with notification and reporting to the proper law enforcement agency. When a report of sexual assault is received, an officer will immediately be dispatched to seek medical attention for the victim, investigate the crime and provide other assistance. UAPD utilizes the resources of the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault when investigating sexual assaults, as well as a support-counseling network of University personnel.

Members of the University community who believe they have been sexually assaulted can also submit an online report with OIE.

Please note: this reporting option is for non-emergency situations and is not monitored during nights, weekends, or holidays. For emergencies please call 9-1-1.

Evidence Collection and Preservation:

Arizona has a statute that provides the victim the ability to seek medical treatment for the collection of sexual assault evidence without charge to the victim. The victim does not need to aide in prosecution in order to seek medical treatment for the collection of sexual assault evidence. It is the victim who will decide if he/she wishes to pursue criminal charges. All members of the university community are encouraged to report incidents of sexual assault or abuse to the police. Campus authorities including the Dean of Students office, Campus Health and Residence Hall Staff are available to assist a victim in notifying law enforcement. Our primary concern is for the victim’s immediate and long term well-being. 

Source: Excepted from the 2015 Campus Safety Report available from the UAPD website

Things to know:

  • Refrain from washing, bathing, showering, or douching. 
  • Refrain from washing clothes or other items worn/used during the sexual assault.  
  • Show the officer where these items are located upon their arrival. Give as detailed an account of the incident as possible to assist officers with their investigation.

Please note that in order for evidence collection to be most effective sexual assault should be reported within 72 hours.

Medical Care: 

Medical personnel will assess for injuries, STD or HIV infection, pregnancy and other medical concerns that may have resulted from the assault.  While it is safer to act quickly, medical concerns can be addressed regardless of length of time since the assault occurred.  Medical services available to support you include: Campus Health General Health Services (520-621-6493) and Women’s Health Services (520-621-6512), Planned Parenthood (520-624-1761), and 24 hour Emergency Medical Care (911). 

Additional information related to medical-forensic exams

Emotional Support:

Sexual assault is a very serious and traumatizing offense.  It is important to find someone you can talk to about the assault who will make you feel safe and supported.  Services that offer counseling and advocacy for sexual assault victims include the Oasis Program (520-626-2051), the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault (520-327-1171) and Campus Health Counseling and Psych Services (520-621-3334). 

The annual Campus Safety and Security report is published to provide information including crime statistics and policies and procedures concerning alcohol, drugs, sexual assault and general safety on The University of Arizona campus.  The report can be accessed by going to the UAPD website and clicking on the “Campus Safety & Security Report” link. Anyone, including prospective students and employees, may obtain a paper copy of the report by contacting UAPD at 520-621-8273.

Students can submit the Petition for Retroactive Academic Withdrawal Form by emailing a completed form to Students can contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at 520-621-9449.

Pregnancy & Parenting FAQs

Yes, breastfeeding employees and students can contact the Disability Resource Center for assistance with arranging reasonable accommodations to support them in continuing to work and attend classes.

View the Family Resource Map with available on-campus lactation rooms, as well as additional parenting resources available on-campus.

Yes. Title IX prohibits discrimination against students and employees based on sex, including because of pregnancy or related conditions.  

Title IX is violated if sexual harassment or other pregnancy-related harassment by employees, students, or third parties is sufficiently serious that it interferes with a student’s ability to benefit from or participate in the school’s program, and the harassment is encouraged, tolerated, not adequately addressed, or ignored by school employees. 

Source:  Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students (June 2013)

Yes. Title IX requires a school to accommodate a student’s absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary.

When the student returns to school, they must be reinstated to the status held when the leave began If the school requires students with other medical conditions to submit a doctor’s note, it may require the same from a pregnant student.

Title IX provides for equal educational opportunities for pregnant and parenting students and university employees. It prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against students based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. It also prohibits schools from applying any rule related to a student's parental, family or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.

The University of Arizona is committed to ensuring pregnant and parenting student access to educational programs. For information about the process for requesting medical accommodations and/or modifications, please see If you have questions about the University’s obligations, or the way Title IX applies to you, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Office of Institutional Equity.

Below is additional information regarding the specific requirements of Title IX as they pertain to pregnancy and parenting.

Yes. Title IX prohibits a school from excluding a pregnant student from any part of its educational program, including all extracurricular activities, such as school clubs, academic societies, honors programs, or sports.  

Source:  Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students (June 2013)

To ensure a pregnant student’s access to its educational program, when necessary, a school must make adjustments to the regular program that are reasonable and responsive to the student’s temporary pregnancy status.  

Source:  Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students (June 2013) 

Yes, discrimination or harassment on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by the Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy.

Yes, pregnant employees and students may request reasonable accommodations and modifications/adjustments through the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Information about the process for requesting accommodations and modifications is available on the DRC website sections for Students and Employees.

An employee is not required to approach a student to inquire about their pregnancy status or other related topic; common courtesy should dissuade an employee from doing so.

An employee should provide information about the Title IX Coordinator directly to a student, or a person who has the legal right to act on behalf of the student; this Title IX Pregnancy Resource can be used. The employee does not need to make a report.

An employee is not required to maintain documentation related to the pregnancy or pregnancy related disclosure and the subsequent information provided to the student, or the individual who has a legal right to act on behalf of the student.