Supportive Actions

The Office of Institutional Equity is responsible for reviewing and, where appropriate, objectively investigating complaints of discrimination and harassment in accordance with the Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy. Where investigations establish discrimination or harassment, actions are taken to remediate the impact of discriminatory conduct.

OIE also objectively addresses and investigates complaints of sex discrimination and sexual harassment (including sexual misconduct) against students. Actions, that are administrative or educational, and are non-disciplinary may be taken prior to the conclusion of an investigation or even in cases where no formal complaint is filed.  Actions may include no-contact orders and adjustments to campus work or educational schedules or settings.

Supportive Measures

The University offers a range of resources to students and employees impacted by discrimination and harassment including Supportive Measures.

Supportive Resources

The University of Arizona’s commitment to creating and maintaining an environment free from discrimination is supported when all members of the University are able to have concerns addressed and have access to supportive resources.