Sexual Assault Prevention Online Training

Students in front of Old Main

The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) provides Sexual Assault Prevention training for students. This training provides critical knowledge and skills to help students make healthy, informed decisions and play a role in keeping our community safe. The Sexual Assault Prevention Training can be accessed through EDGE Learning using your NetID. Step-by-step instructions for enrolling are available at EDGE Learning.

Thank you for your engagement on these important issues and for your commitment to ensuring a respectful and welcoming community. 


  • Technical: Please contact the 24/7 Support Center to address any technical difficulties while accessing or using EDGE Learning to complete the training.
  • Assign Training: Please contact to gain access to the Registrar Role for assigning trainings to faculty, staff, student employees and Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs).
  • Content: Please contact OIE at should you have any questions about the content of the training.