Submit a Report

All members of the university community are encouraged to take action to support the creation and maintenance of a nondiscriminatory working and learning environment. Anyone who experiences, or is aware of, incidents of discrimination or discriminatory harassment is encouraged to report the concern. There are a number of ways to report concerns and get information, support and resources.

If the concern is an emergency, please call 911.

Responsible Reporters

Most University employees are responsible for reporting to the University when they are aware of a student or employee who has been or may have been subjected to discrimination. Responsible employees are obligated to make a report to the Office of Institutional Equity and to include identifying information about the victim/complainant when such information is known. 

Retaliation Prohibited

The Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy strictly prohibits retaliation against an individual based on reporting a discrimination concern or participation in a resulting investigation.



To submit a report involving sex-based discriminatory conduct, including sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence:

Submit a Report

To submit a report involving all other forms of discriminatory conduct:


Submit a Report

Confidential Reporting

The University has designated certain offices and professionals as confidential resources. This means that if a victim reports discrimination, including but not limited to sexual assault, sex-based domestic violence, dating violence, sex-based stalking, or other sex-based harassment to them, they will act consistent with law and policy and will not share the information provided with the University Title IX disciplinary authority (OIE) and will not reveal personally identifiable information about the victim without express request by a victim. 

Confidential Resources

Campus Health**: All professional medical providers, when acting in their capacity as a medical provider, are designated as confidential.
(520) 621-6490

Counseling & Psych Services*: All professional counselors, when acting in their capacity as a counselor, are designated as confidential.
(520) 621-3344

Ombuds**: All Ombuds Committee members, when acting in their capacity as Ombuds, are designated as confidential.

Survivor Advocates*: All Survivor Advocates, when acting in their capacity as Advocates, are designated as confidential.
(520) 621-5767

IRB Researchers**: University employees who are conducting an Institutional Review Board-approved human-subjects research study designed to gather information about sex discrimination are designated as confidential with respect to information received while conducting a study.

*Resource for students
**Resource for students and employees


Although these confidential resources are not required to submit a report of discrimination to OIE, if they are informed of conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other sex-based harassment, they must inform the impacted individual/victim of the following:

1. that they are a confidential employee and are not required to inform the Title IX Coordinator about the conduct;
2. how to contact the Title IX Coordinator and make a complaint of sex discrimination; and 
3. that the Title IX Coordinator may be able to offer and coordinate supportive measures and initiate an investigation under the grievance procedures. 

This printable brochure contains the information that must be communicated by confidential employees under items 2 and 3 above. 

You may contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) directly to request an appointment and to learn more about OIE’s procedures. You can also request accommodations to facilitate a meeting, including disability-related and language barriers. 520-621-9449

Contact the Title IX Coordinator

Mary Beth Tucker
Vice President and Title IX Coordinator | | 520-621-9449

The Title IX Coordinator and designees are available to answer questions about options, processes, and resources; ensure an appropriate investigation is made, when applicable; and provide guidance or referrals. The Title IX Coordinator or designees may contact you in response to the submission of any non-confidential report.

The Process: What Happens When You Report

Preliminary Investigation and Assessment

Upon receiving a report, or being informed about potentially discriminatory conduct, OIE takes the following actions: 

  • Provides information and resources to impacted individuals 
  • Makes referrals as appropriate for impacted individuals  
  • Initiates a preliminary assessment to determine whether the concern is best addressed by OIE; if so,
    OIE assesses whether it is appropriate for a formal process or an alternate resolution process 
  • Provides impacted individuals with options for support and resolution

Informal Resolution

Each report of discriminatory conduct is evaluated and assessed. Some reports are best resolved by informal processes which may still involve investigation, resolution options, and recommendations.

Informal process may be initiated at the request of an individual, administrator or at the discretion of OIE.

Formal Process

Complaint Process

Complaints may be available to address allegations of discriminatory conduct. This option is dependent on the evaluation of factors including the conduct alleged, the impact on an individual, and the date of occurrence.

The process of formal complaint resolution involves the following:

  • Formal investigation  
  • Determination  
  • Potential recommendation(s) 

Administrative Review

An administrative review regarding potential discrimination may occur at the request of an administrator who has concerns that discriminatory conduct may be occurring, with or without information regarding the identity(ies) of the individual(s) who may have engaged in the conduct.